Neuro-Imaging Kit

    Direct Target Labeling Kit
    Neuro-Imaging Kit

    Massive-sdAB-FAST anti-PSD95

    This kit provides ready-to-use binders for DNA-PAINT imaging of the major scaffolding Postsynaptic Density Protein 95 or PSD95 (alternative names: PSD-95, SAP-90 and DLG4), which localizes at post-synaptic densities of excitatory synapses. Also included are imager strands and buffers for sample preparation and imaging.

    This kit contains single-domain antibody (sdAB) binders that recognize PSD-95 and are coupled to FAST-DNA-PAINT sequence F3. Each sdAB is coupled to a single DNA-PAINT docking strand.

    Unmodified and fluorophore coupled sdABs (FluoTag®) available at NanoTag.

    Protocol/Datasheet for MASSIVE-sdAB-FAST anti-PSD95


    Direct Target Labeling Kit
    Neuro-Imaging Kit

    MASSIVE-sdAB-FAST anti-Synaptotagmin 1

    This kit provides ready-to-use binders for DNA-PAINT imaging of Synaptotagmin-1, a transmembrane protein enriched at pre-synaptic vesicles. Also included are imager strands and buffers for sample preparation and imaging.

    This kit contains single-domain antibody (sdAB) binders that recognize Synaptotagmin-1 and are coupled to the FAST-DNA-PAINT sequence F1. Each sdAB is coupled to a single DNA-PAINT docking site.

    Unmodified and fluorophore coupled sdABs (FluoTag®) available at NanoTag.

    Protocol/Datasheet for MASSIVE-sdAB-FAST anti-Synaptotagmin 1
